
Big sister


Since reaching the quarter finals of MasterChef 2015, my desire to cook and write has been turned up to full blast. That loud voice in my head led me to enter the writing category of the Young British Foodies 2015. Shaking off my insecurities, I put fingertips to keyboard and dug deep.  In August 2015 I received the news that I had made the shortlist with a piece about my childhood.

Over the last year or so, I’ve become almost dependent on peanut butter so I must exercise caution around any peanut butter based products, especially ice cream. I am hoping this is a phase (the same thing happened with mustard in 2013).

I am a Huffington Post blogger and have been featured in Woman Magazine. You can read these posts here.

My style of cooking usually involves lots of texture and bright bold flavours like citrus and chilli; I enjoys making and eating dishes with a middle eastern influence but I tend to create recipes influenced by ingredients from every continent. In addition to peanut butter, I have a longer term love affair with aubergines. Anywhere there’s an aubergine, I’m ordering it.

Favourite chefs:  Sabrina Ghayour and Jamie Oliver.

Tweets: @CharCooks

I currently work in data within the education sector and live in North Manchester with my husband Jason. We are expecting our first child in May 2016.



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